

Sep 28, 2017

I've said it before and I'll say it again–this season of life is crazy, y'all. This semester I have seen so much of the Lord's faithfulness, but I have also struggled more than ever before. Maybe it's part of "growing up", or maybe it's just how God is working in my life right now. I'm not really sure. In fact, I'm not really sure about anything at the moment, as uncertainty seems to be the theme of life lately.

If you know me at all, you know I am a planner. I don't just "go with the flow" or "wing it", although I totally wish I could. If it were up to me, I would have my dream job in Nashville secured by December 1st, the best graphic design portfolio possible, and not be stressed about any of it. That's my plan. That's what I want. But by focusing on my plan, I feel incapable and overwhelmed. My to-do list never stops growing and my self-doubt increases with each new task. Basically, my life feels like the biggest mess it has ever been. Anyone relate?

But in all of this chaos and getting things done, the Lord has reminded me over and over that uncertainty is part of life. Maybe my uncertainties in this season are a lot bigger than in previous seasons, which is why I feel so overwhelmed. I keep thinking back to four years ago when I was a senior in high school and was terrified of college. I felt incapable and overwhelmed then, too. Now as a soon-to-be college graduate, those same feelings have returned to discourage me all over again. This time, however, I keep hearing the same message: Do your best at what is right in front of you.

Last week I read this statement in the book Jesus Calling, then just yesterday I heard it from a mentor in the ministry I'm involved with. A few hours later I read a similar statement in Lysa TerKeurst's book The Best Yes. Clearly God is trying to make a point! If we just focus on one task at a time, and do our best, He promises to be faithful and work things out in our favor (Romans 8:28).

That sounds so simple, and may already be obvious to many of you, but I tend to get so caught up in projects and life that I completely tune out the obvious. I mean completely, to the point that even making dinner is overwhelming at times (I'm dramatic, I know). But when we get so far into the hole of doubt and fear and to-do lists, we forget that God is working for us in all that we do. We forget the obvious and our minds go straight to the worst case scenarios. "What if I don't get a job? What if I don't graduate? What if I don't get to move back to Nashville?" The "what-ifs" are the worst, friends.

If you're feeling incapable, overwhelmed, and completely uncertain, know you're not alone. I definitely am not enjoying all of this uncertainty, but I find peace in knowing everything will work out how it is supposed to, and I know this season preparing me for the future. Keep going, friends, and do your best at what is in front of you today! The Lord sees our efforts and is faithful.

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